Saturday, February 21, 2009

A voice of reason

Sometimes i get so frustrated with life..i just feel like dying. Like a peaceful sleep. Not a care for anything in the world.

Everyone feels that way sometimes. If you do that, the people dear to you would be sad.
Hmm..before someone dies, they dont think about leaving their wealth, career, food, etc. They think about leaving the people that truly matter to them. People that they care. =(

I had a conversation with someone. She certainly clicked something in my head. It made me realise that the people close to you is all that really matters in life. 

Let this be a reminder to all of us, when we get too caught up in life's outer plastic shell, also when we often get frustrated with things in life that did not work out our way. Life is really just simple. It is only made complicated by the greedy and curious minds of men.

Life is really just all about being with your loved ones, and going through ups and downs together =)

The conversation is with Myself. It took place in my head, one night when i got reallyyyy frustrated with a lot of things.